Abstract Expressionism was an American post–World War II art movement created by a small group of loosely affiliated artists in New York. Artists like William de Kooning and Jackson Pollock introduced radical new directions in art and shifted the art world's focus to America. Partially funded by the WPA, these American artists, and others like them were able to concentrate on their work and receive funding from the government.
Abstract Expressionist left behind the moderate, easel bound canvases for a larger, even over-sized surface that was often placed upon the floor. Adhering to their own ideas and rules, abstract artist steered away from the traditional, aesthetic "form" painting and instead utilized the entire canvas with their methods of splattering, dripping and broad brush strokes.
Abstract Expressionist practiced a variety of techniques to convey their messages. Jackson Pollock, whose painting 'Shimmering Substance' is shown below, has often been referred to as turbulent yet graceful artist. Pollock create his paintings by placing a large canvas onto his studio floor and then he would pour, toss or splatter his various hues over the entire canvas.
New York was becoming "Abstract City" as more and more artists began to follow the new school of art.